2 comments on “1984 – January 9th

  1. “3. I am afraid of being found out.”

    For me, this is related to my life-long fear of rejection. I’ve done some work to get over this fear (somewhat) and I resist acting on it when I do feel it, but I still always worry that people will see me FOR ME, and decide I am too unlike them and reject me. I find myself holding back a good chunk of who I am inside with most people, for fear of them being turned off by our differences I think I’m almost always afraid I’ll show too much of myself and the whole of who I am will be figured/found out.

    You’re in a roll with your blogging. I’m going to try to get back to it sooner rather than later. I’ve made some lifestyle changes and I need to figure out how best to adapt my blogging and online work to them… I gave away almost everything I own, gave notice at my flat, and left town with not much more than I could fit my backpack… The joys of manic decision making.

  2. Wow! I hope that your move is working out for you?

    I am getting back into the swing of blogging and writing in general, slowly but surely. I obviously have completely blown the post-a-day thing but I still have the list and will use them as example headings for posts in te future.

    I have started writing poetry again and hope to share some here soon.

    Thank you for your continued support my friend.

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